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Protect yourself against financial fraud

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Try to deal with only wwith businesses and other organizations you already know or fact that have been recommended. Get key details of very basic offer in writing and thoroughly check up them check out before agreeing to anything. When in oubt, get in touch your state or county's consumer protection office (listed in the blue pages of your phone book) or the Better Business Bureau. Make sure you (read out as well work at a rate of home stuffing letters) your responsibilities and the potential risks a great time ago entering into any one transaction. Make sure you (read out as well researcher work from home positions ) letters" target="_blank">work at a rate of home (read out as well researcher work from home positions ) letters) your responsibilities and the potential risks a great time ago entering into any one transaction.

"If the person making the sales pitch only focuses on the benefits or the promised return and brushes over the costs and potential risks, the seller may not be acting in your best get in on and the product may not be majestic in behalf of you," warned Michael Benardo, manager of the FDIC's Financial Crimes Section. Look at a rate of your monthly statements as with after a in short time as with they arrive and report a discrepancy or anything suspicious, such as with a missing payment or an unauthorized withdrawal. Closely keep a check on credit card bills and bank statements. Periodically review your credit reports in behalf of signs fact that an ID thief is misusing your name. (read out as well work from home companies) reports, which are prepared on the part of companies called credit bureaus, summarize each person's history of paying debts and other bills.

If your credit report lists a credit card, a loan or a lease you never signed way up in behalf of, chances are a con artist is attempting to commit fraud using your identity. Experts suggest spreading check out your requests throughout the year to maximize your protection. Under a new federal law, you are erntitled to all alone free-of-charge credit report each year from each of the nation's three major credit bureaus. To get a free-of-charge report, ring up toll-free 1-877-322-8228. Remember the red flags of a fraud.

You can avoid scams or help determine if an ill or elderly relative is a victim or target of fraud if you know some of the classic wafrning signs. * Unsolicited offers from strangers or unfamiliar companies fact that sound too serious to be safe, including mail or phone calls proclaiming an elderly person to be the "winner" of prizes or investment "opportunities;" They key on. * Requests to send money or bank great care information a great time ago a promised product or service is delivered; * Pressure to quickly say "yes" to a proposal, especially an oral offer to sell you financial products, household equipment or home repairs fact that you may not really need;

* Indications of cash shortages when the elderly person should have enough money planned in; and Immediately report a fraud or theft to the proper authorities. * Checks payable to unfamiliar people or businesses in behalf of reasons fact that the elderly person can't explain.
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